Registration Costs

A 10% discount on the Congress registration cost will be applied to LASA members who register before September 5, 2019. Please refer to LASA’s refund policy. No refunds will be given if your proposal is not accepted. Registering at the discounted rate will not increase the chance your proposal will be accepted. 

Cada miembro que desee participar en el Congreso LASA2020 será invitado(a) a establecer el monto de registro que puede pagar en sus circunstancias actuales.

The registration fee includes:

  • Admittance to all sessions and book exhibit
  • Admittance to the Welcome Ceremony
  • Admittance to the Film Festival
  • Electronic Program Book via Mobile App or downloadable PDF
  • Online Conference Proceedings

Registration Refund Policy: NO REFUNDS

Many more people would like to serve on panels than the Program Committee can accommodate. After discovering that participants agree to deliver a paper or act as discussants/chairs only to withdraw at the last moment, leaving panel spaces empty that others would have gladly filled, LASA has enacted a no-refund policy to encourage accepted panelists to fulfill their obligations to attend the meeting.

As a result, LASA does not refund Congress registration payments, even in cases where the registrant is unable to attend the Congress or the registrant’s proposal submission was not accepted. Please finalize your plans to attend the Congress before preregistering.