Frequently Asked Questions - Paper Presenters

I have already agreed to participate in one workshop (with no paper) and now I am being asked to participate in a session in which I am given the choice of: being a discussant or giving a paper. I am unsure if I can accept the second invitation and in which capacity.

A participant is limited to two active roles in the congress and to only one paper presentation. You can be a paper presenter in the new session or a discussant, but only one other role.

Can I present a paper on one session and be listed as a workshop/roundtable participant on another?

Yes, individuals can submit an individual paper presentation and participate in the congress as a workshop/roundtable participant. Note however that a participant is limited to only two roles in the congress and that the role of organizer does not count towards the limit of two roles.

Is a workshop/roundtable participant considered a paper presenter?

A workshop/roundtable participant is not considered a paper presenter since these sessions do not have formal paper presentations. A workshop/roundtable participation does count as an active role.

Can I participate as co-author for one paper and main author for a different one?

An individual can only present one paper. If your name appears as a co-author, this counts as your paper presentation.