Selection of Proposals

Selection process of proposals for the Congress

The LASA Secretariat receives individual proposals or as part of a session. After the deadline for submitting proposals, begins a three-step process for selecting proposals.

Step 1. Proposal Evaluation

The proposals are grouped by Track and sent to the Track Chairs for evaluation. If the Track Chairs consider that a proposal does not fit into their Track, they will send that proposal to the Track Chairs they consider most appropriate for evaluation. Individual proposals are placed on panels with similar themes. The name of the panel that receives the new paper could be modified.

Evaluation Criterias
Maximum score: 100 

  • Relevance and interest for the field of study (1-50)
  • Clarity and consistency of the topic or argument (1-25)
  • Compliance with proposal submission requirements (1-25)

Step 2. Acceptance and Rejection of Proposals

Using the classification of the sessions by Track, the Secretariat of LASA accepts the best according to the space and time available in the place of the Congress. To exemplify this step, we will assume the following figures on the place and schedule of the Congress:

Available rooms   32
Congress days    4
Slots 5

32 x 4 x 5 = 640
In this Congress, LASA has the capacity to host 640 sessions.

To determine the number of sessions that each Track will have in the Congress, the percentage of sessions per Track is calculated according to the total of proposals received.
For example, if Track 1 received 200 sessions out of a total of 830 proposals, it will be allocated 24% of the sessions that the venue of the Congress can host. 154 sessions accounted for 24 per cent of 640 sessions.

Track Proposals Received Percentage of Proposals Received   Proposals Accepted   Proposals Rejected Percentage of Proposals Rejected
1 200 24% 154 46 30%
2 50 6% 39 11 30%
3 100 12% 77 23 30%
4 180 22% 139 41 30%
5 300 36% 231 69 30%
Total 830 100% 640 190 30%

This process is repeated for each Track until all available space is used. In this example, until accepting 640 sessions.

Step 3. Creating the Congress Program

The Secretariat sends out acceptance/rejection notices to participants and produces the Program book including only those accepted and pre-registered to the Congress.