Organizers, Chairs and Discussants

How shall we indicate that there are two of us organizing the panel?

When submitting the proposal in the online system you will be asked to add other participants. Make sure to include both co-organizers as "Session Organizers". Names will appear in the Program Book in the order they are submitted.

I am organizing a panel and was wondering if the chair has to be one of the paper presenters of the panel or can he/she just perform as chair.

The chair does not have to present a paper. The chair may perform this function only if he or she wishes to do so.

Both of our co-chairs will present papers, but they will not necessarily be the first two papers on the panel. How should we indicate this?

The order in which you include participants in the online system is the same order that will appear in the Program Book. This order does not have to be the same in which the presentations are given.

Can I organize and chair two different sessions? One is a panel and the other one is a workshop or a roundtable.

Yes. A panel organizer can also be a chair. The role of organizer does not count towards the four active roles limit. 

Can a panel organizer be included as chair and/or paper presenter in the same panel she/he organizes?

Yes. The organizer can also participate as chair and/or paper presenter in the same panel she/he organizes.

Can a person organize two panels, even if they are presenting a paper in only one of them?

Yes. The same person can organize two panels and present in only one. In fact, it is not possible to present a paper in two panels. All participants are limited to one paper presentation per Congress. 

Is it mandatory to include a chair and an organizer in each session?

Yes. All sessions (panels, workshops and roundtables) must have a chair and an organizer. 

Is it mandatory to include a discussant in each session?

No. It is not mandatory to include a discussant in each session. It is recommended, but not mandatory. The maximum number of discussants per session is one.