Virtual Platform

Congress Website

The LASA2022 virtual Congress will take place on the LASA2022 Hub, a website where registered participants will be able to participate in or attend any academic session, meeting, or Congress activity including the Book Exhibit, the Film Festival, the Gran Baile and more.

The LASA2022 Hub, which is available in Spanish and English, has direct links to download the LASA2022 mobile app, download the web version of the Program Book, purchase the printed version of the Program Book, and request technical help from a LASA specialist.

Videoconferencing System

All the LASA2022 sessions, which can be accessed through the LASA2022 Hub, will happen in the videoconferencing system Zoom

We recommend that you download the latest version of the Zoom platform in advance of your presentation and use the Zoom Desktop Client to participate. If you prefer to use the web version, however, please use the browser Google Chrome as it functions best with Zoom. For detailed instructions on how to use the videoconferencing platform Zoom click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the LASA2022 Virtual Congress website?

The LASA2022 website is:
This website is in Spanish and English.


What is the time zone of the LASA2022 Virtual Congress?

All LASA2022 sessions and events are scheduled following the Pacific Time Zone of the United States (San Francisco Time). The films of the LASA2022 Film Festival are available to watch at any time from May 5 until May 10, 2022. 

I am already registered for LASA2022. How can I confirm my registration?

If you would like to make sure you are registered for the LASA2022 Congress, look for your name in the list of registered participants


Which video platform is LASA using for the virtual sessions?

All the LASA2022 virtual sessions will happen in the video conferencing system Zoom.

We recommend that you download the latest version of this platform in advance of your presentation and use the Zoom desktop client to participate. However, if you prefer to use the web version, please use the browser Google Chrome as it functions best with Zoom. For detailed instructions on how to use the video conferencing platform Zoom click here.

I am a participant with an active role in the Congress. Where can I see the schedule, day and time, of my LASA2022 session(s)?

To know the day and time of the session(s) where you will participate, click on Go To Personal Program.

To see the entire LASA2022 Congress Program you can check the web version of the Program Book or download the LASA2022 mobile app. Both of them will be available on the LASA2022 website.


I am a participant with an active role in the Congress. How can I enter the virtual session where I am participating actively?

Registered participants with an active role in the Congress –presenters, chairs, discussants, and organizers– will be able to enter any meeting or type of session –panel, roundtable, or workshop– through the LASA2022 website. The following steps will guide you to find your session on the LASA2022 website.

  1. Go to the LASA2022 website.
  2. Press the red button “Find and Join Your Session”.
  3. You will be able to enter your session 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time by clicking “Connect to Session” area.

Before entering your session, you must confirm your Congress registration with your Friend of LASA or member ID and password.

Forgot your member ID and password?

Presidential Sessions

The Congress has 7 presidential sessions all programmed at 10 a.m. 12 p.m or 4 p.m. Pacific Time. Active participants –presenters, chairs, discussants, and organizers– of the presidential sessions must enter their session using the zoom link sent to their emails one hour before the session.

  • Thursday May 5, 2022
    Mundos de Litio: entre potencias, impotencias y nuevas fuerzas políticas:
    Fixing U.S. Immigration and Asylum Policy: Lessons from Policy-oriented Research
  • Friday May 6, 2022
    Debates sobre el futuro de la agricultura: Nuevas tecnologías, saberes agrícolas, alternativas, y derechos de los pueblos indígenas
    Auge progresista y reconfiguración de la derecha en América Latina
  • Saturday May 7, 2022
    América Latina y el Caribe y China: condiciones y retos
    The Latin America and Caribbean-China Relationship in the Third Decade of the 21st Century
  • Sunday May 8, 2022
    Is there a Future for Amazonia? Contingencies, Conditionalities

I am a participant with an active role in the Congress. Will I receive any reminder with the time of my session(s)?

Yes. As an active participant in a LASA2022 virtual session, you will receive one reminder email 1 hour before your session starts. This email will have the name and time of your session, as well as a direct link to the LASA2022 website, where you can find your session.

I am a participant with an active role in the Congress. Who will be available to help me if something unexpected happens during my presentation?

LASA2022 sessions will be hosted by a LASA designated host. The first task of the LASA designated host will be to start the session on time. At the beginning of each session, the LASA host will welcome the panelists and other participants and give the role of co-host to the chair of the session. If the chair is not present, the role of co-host may be assigned to the organizer, followed by the discussant, and lastly, to another panelist. For more information about the Zoom co-host role press here.

Note: Co-hosts cannot be assigned ahead of time. This is why the LASA designated host will assign the co-host during the first minutes of the session. The LASA host will remain connected during the session in order to help all participants with any technical issue they may encounter. After the session time has elapsed, one hour and 30 minutes, the LASA host will close the session and start the next one.

I am a participant with an active role in Congress. How can I ensure the best audio experience for the attendees when I am presenting?

Use a headset with an inline microphone instead of the built-in microphone / speakers on your computer.  A headset focuses the microphone on your voice, cuts down on background noise, and minimizes echo.

What are LASA's recommendations to attend the LASA2022 Virtual Congress?

  • Test you video and audio before your session.
  • If possible, use a wired ethernet connection rather than a WiFi connection.
  • Close any unnecessary applications or programs that your computer is running and you are not using.
  • Choose a quiet space. Be mindful of sounds in the background, and mute your cell phone to avoid interruptions.
  • If possible, put your laptop or desktop computer on a stack of books, so that the camera is at your eye level.
  • Due to backlighting, avoid having a window or lamp behind you. Be it natural or artificial the light should always come from the front. Lighting from the back will make it difficult for participants to see your face.

Which interactive features are available for participants and which ones for the audience?

Zoom, which is accessible from all traditional computers and by mobile app, allows two types of virtual environments: Meetings and Webinars.

LASA2022 panels, workshops, roundtables, books presentations, Section business meetings, the LASA business meeting and any other meeting during the LASA Virtual Congress are set up as “Meetings”.

Meetings are designed to be collaborative and interactive events. Therefore, all active participants –organizer, chair, discussant, paper presenter or presenter without a paper – will be able to unmute themselves and share their video and screen to show the content on their computer to the connected audience, and attendees will be able to turn on their video, raise their hands virtually, send written questions to presenters using the instant messenger, and request to speak to ask a question or join a discussion. Once an attendee has requested to participate, the co-host of the session (already assigned to the chair) can unmute that person.

The Presidential and Awardee panels are set up as “Webinars”. Webinars are ideal for virtual lectures or events that are open to the public. In webinars, LASA active participants–organizer, chair, discussant, paper presenter or presenter without a paper– can share their video, audio, and their screens, and attendees have the ability to watch, listen and interact via Q&A and the chat.

If an attendee would like to participate with his/her voice to make a question or comment, the co-host of the session (already assigned to the chair) can unmute the attendees. Attendees can also make use of the raise hand feature to indicate that they need something from the co-host or panelists. For more information about the raise hand feature in a webinar press here.

Who will be in charge of coordinating the Q&A during my session?

The chair is responsible for ensuring that all the presenters and the discussant respect agreed time limits, and he or she coordinates the question-and-answer session with the audience after session members have concluded their presentations. To do so, the chair will be promoted to co-host at the beginning of each session.

It is suggested that the chair let the panelists and attendees know at the beginning of his/her participation when there will be space to make comments or ask questions. As co-hosts of a session, and in order to moderate the Q&A, chairs will be able to mute or unmute attendees to allow attendees to talk. Chairs as well as active participants are able to manage the raise hand feature, view all Q&A, and respond.

If the chair of the session assumes the role of co-host, the discussant’s and organizer’s tasks are the same as in a face-to-face Congress.

After the session time has elapsed, one hour and 30 minutes, the LASA host will close the session and start the next one.

I have the role of discussant in a LASA2022 session. Which are my tasks as a discussant?

The discussant should summarize key conclusions and identify issues for further discussion in the various papers presented by the session members. He or she might wish to situate the participants’ work within larger academic debates, but should not use the occasion to present a separate paper of her or his own.

I have the role of organizer in a LASA2022 session. What is the description of my role?

The organizer's tasks occur primarily before the Congress begins. The organizer was responsible for assembling the session and confirming the participation of all, including the chair, the discussant, and the paper presenters or presenters without papers. The organizer should advise the LASA Secretariat promptly of any changes in the composition of the session.

The organizer should have communicated with session participants in advance of the Congress date to ensure that paper presenters delivered their written work to the designated discussant in a timely fashion.

I would like to submit a paper and take an active role in the LASA2022 Virtual Congress. Is this still possible?

No. The deadline for proposal submissions was September 9, 2021. However, you can register as a virtual attendee.


What is the cost of registering for the Congress as an attendee and having access to all LASA2022 virtual sessions?

You can register for the LASA2022 Virtual Congress choosing one of the following options:

  • Regular Registration
  • Student Registration
  • Non-member Registration
  • Non-member student registration

The registration gives you access to more than 1,000 academic sessions, the Book Exhibit, watch the Film Festival's movies on demand, attend the Gran Baile, network with colleagues at the Informal Meetings Room and Happy Hour Room, enjoy social and well-being activities, and much more.


Will any sessions be open to the public?

Yes. The Welcome Ceremony, the seven Presidential Sessions and the LASA2022 Award sessions are open to the public and will be broadcast live on the LASA Facebook page, and then posted on YouTube and the Association's website. You don't need to be registered for the Congress to watch these sessions.

The Book Exhibit is also open to the public. 

When will the Welcome Ceremony be? Can I be a virtual attendee for this event only?

The Welcome Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, May 4, at 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time. This will be the official event to launch LASA2022 and includes the recognition of the LASA2022 Award winners.

You are cordially invited to view the Welcome Ceremony on LASA's Facebook and YouTube pages. The video of this live broadcast will be recorded and available on both social networks. You don't need to be registered for the Congress to watch the Welcome Ceremony broadcast.