About the Virtual Exhibitors Gallery

The Virtual Exhibitors Gallery is an online site for exhibitors and publishers within the LASA website and the LASA2022 Congress website. Content may include the exhibitor’s contact information, photos, videos, and details on an unlimited number of books. As an administrator of your site, you are able to edit the content at any time. 

Regular Virtual Booth

  • User friendly format allows exhibitors to set up a mini-site on the LASA website.
  • The site will be live until May 31, 2022.
  • Edit content throughout the year.

Featured Virtual Booth

  • Upgrade to priority placement as a Featured Exhibitor.
  • Priority listing over general exhibitors.
  • Limited to 8 exhibitors.


“Great virtual platform, one of the best I’ve used among all the platforms for exhibits” 

Ramón Smith, Exhibits and Awards Manager University of California Press

Last year, LASA2021 virtual exhibit booths received 16,500 views, before, during and after the Congress, and those who booked early received 52% of the overall views.

Deadline for Virtual Booths

April 15, 2022

Deadline to purchase virtual exhibit booths, regular and featured.