Travel Grant Requirements

  • LASA Travel Grants provide support for participants traveling to the Congress city. Therefore, only LASA2025 participants in person, in San Francisco, United States, are eligible to receive the discretionary travel grant.

  • To submit a grant request, your LASA membership or All Access must expire after September 9, 2024.

  • Participants selected for a grant at the LASA2023 and LASA2024 Congress will not be eligible to apply for a grant at the next LASA2025 Congress.

  • Only paper authors are eligible for travel grants. Discussants, chairs, workshop, or roundtable participants without papers are not eligible. Co-authors must each submit a travel grant application.

  • Failure to accurately fill out every blank on the form or submit a CV with the travel grant will invalidate the travel grant application (US Non-Tenured need to submit an additional letter from their department stating they are full-time and in a non-tenured track).

  • Applying for a grant type that you are not eligible for will invalidate the travel grant application.

If your grant application is accepted:

  • You will receive an email containing a contract via DocuSign. You must accept and digitally sign the contract by January 13, 2025. Your travel grant will be revoked if you do not accept and digitally sign the contract by the deadline.

  • You must register for the Congress or renew your All Access no later than March 3, 2025. Failure to do so will result in the participants’ removal from the official Congress program, and therefore the revocation of the travel grant.

  • You must upload your paper using the Paper Management application by April 11, 2025. If you fail to upload your paper by the deadline your travel grant will be revoked.

  • You must attend the Congress in person, in San Francisco, United States. Failure to attend the Congress on-site will result in a forfeiture of your grant.

  • Should the in-person format of the LASA2025 Congress in San Francisco, United States, be canceled, travel grants will be void. LASA is not responsible for the expenses incurred in your travel plans such as plane tickets or accommodation.