Submission Rules

Thank you for your interest in submitting a proposal for LASA2025: Poner el cuerpo en Latinx América, taking place from May 23–26. When submitting proposals, please follow the participation rules described below:

Rule 1: Participation Limitation

  • Participants are limited to one paper per Congress, no exceptions. If a participant has submitted an individual proposal, she/he may not be added to a panel proposal. Additionally, if a participant is a co-author, that paper counts as the only paper.

  • Participants can only have four active participations per Congress. Being an organizer or a contact person does not count towards these participations. The four active participations may take the form of:

Paper presenter (in a panel)

Presenter without paper (in a roundtable)

Presenter without paper (in a workshop)

Presenter without a paper (in a book presentation)

Discussant (in a panel, workshop, or roundtable)

Chair (in a panel, workshop, or roundtable)

Travel Grantee

  • Panel proposals must have a minimum of three and a maximum of five papers. Workshop and roundtable proposals must have a minimum of three participants and there is no maximum. 

  • Panels, workshops, and roundtables should have at least one session organizer (maximum two), one chair (maximum two), and a discussant (it is not mandatory, but highly recommended).

  • The rules for the Section sessions are the same as for the regular sessions.

Travel Grants

  • LASA Travel Grants provide support for participants traveling to the Congress city. Therefore, only LASA2025 those participating in-person, in San Francisco, United States are eligible to receive the discretionary travel grant. 

  • Travel grant requests can only be sent by the participant requesting the grant and can only be given to individuals who have a paper accepted in the Congress. 

  • Participants who were selected for a grant at the LASA2023 and LASA2024 Congresses are not eligible to apply for a grant at the LASA2025 Congress.

Rule 2: Membership or All Access Requirement

The following rules are related specifically to the type of submission proposal:

  • Individual submissions: To submit a proposal and travel grant request, the LASA membership or All Access of the individual submitter and co-author(s) must expire after September 9, 2024. Each co-author must send a separate travel grant request.

  • Panel submissions: To be included in the proposal, the LASA membership or All Access of all participants in the panel must expire after September 9, 2024. All panelists, as LASA members, can submit their individual travel grant requests.

  • Workshop or Roundtable submissions: To be included in the proposal, the LASA membership or All Access of all participants must expire September 9, 2024. No workshop or roundtable participants may request a travel grant unless they also have a paper in the Congress.

  • Section submissions: All participants must have LASA memberships or All Access subscriptions that expire after September 9, 2024, and must be current members of the specific section in which they intend to participate. All paper presenters in a Section session, as LASA members, can submit their individual travel grant requests.

Please do not wait until the deadline to become a member, renew your membership, or submit a proposal.

Rule 3: Congress Registration or All Access Requirement

Once proposals have been approved, all participants are required to have their Congress registration or All Access subscription, which includes the LASA2024 registration, valid until May 26, 2025 to participate.

Congress registration or All Access renewal must take place before March 3, 2025, at 17:00 hrs ET. If the participant does not register for the Congress or renews All Access by this deadline, they may be removed from the program. Additionally, sessions may be cancelled or changed due to insufficient paper presenters.

Rule 4: Paper Delivery

As a paper presenter, you have two important obligations:

  1. To ensure that the members of your panel, especially discussants, receive your paper in time to read it carefully prior to the meeting.

  2. To submit your paper for the Congress proceedings and memories. Note: Your paper should not be considered published because it is posted on the LASA website.

Rule 5: Congress Schedule

The sessions will be scheduled between Friday, May 23, until the end of the day on Monday, May 26, 2025. Participants are expected to be available for presenting during this time. Please note that scheduling change requests cannot be honored.