Letter from the President of LASA2024

September 5, 2023

Dear members,

Preparations are underway for the next LASA Congress. We are very excited that LASA is returning to Latin America, and especially that the Congress will be held at the Javeriana University in Bogotá, Colombia! We hope that you will be able to participate in person. However, the hybrid option will also be available to facilitate greater participation by members of the Association. 

The theme of the LASA2024 program is Reacción y resistencia: Imaginar nuevos futuros en las Américas. We look forward to receiving your proposals for individual papers, panels, roundtables, workshops, or book presentations by September 15, 2023, at 5 p.m. ET

You may submit your proposals in one of the five special tracks related to the LASA2024 program theme, including:

  • La extrema derecha en América Latina y el mundo
  • Impunidades: pasados y presentes
  • Despojos y desplazamientos: violencias, extractivismo y economías ilegales en zonas rurales e indígenas
  • Resistencias colectivas, futuros imaginados en las Américas
  • Colombia: desafíos actuales y futuros posibles 

You can also submit your proposals to one of the 36 permanent tracks, including some new ones, such as Biopolítica y Biopoder; Lenguas y Literaturas Indígenas; and Salud y Bienestar.

As in previous years, LASA is offering different types of travel grants to its members, especially students, scholars based in Latin America or the Caribbean, and indigenous or Afro-descendant participants. These applications must also be submitted by September 15 at 5 p.m. ET.

Finally, we invite you to submit nominations for the various awards that LASA presents each year, such as the Kalman Silvert Lifetime Achievement Award and the Bryce Book Award. In some cases, nominations are due by September 20, 2023. A complete list of awards and deadlines, as well as instructions for submitting nominations, can be found here.

We hope that LASA2024 will be an opportunity to reflect on what unites us and how we can use our knowledge, skills, and time to work towards a more inclusive and just future.

See you in Bogotá!
Best regards,

Jo-Marie Burt
President of LASA

About LASA

The Latin American Studies Association (LASA) is the largest professional association in the world for individuals and institutions engaged in the study of Latin America. With over 13,000 members, over 60% of whom reside outside the United States, LASA is the one association that brings together experts on Latin America from all disciplines and diverse occupational endeavors, across the globe. LASA's mission is to foster intellectual discussion, research, and teaching on Latin America, the Caribbean, and its people throughout the Americas, promote the interests of its diverse membership, and encourage civic engagement through network building and public debate.

If you wish to interview a LASA Executive Council member, you can contact the LASA communications office at (412) 648-7929 or send an email to lasa@lasaweb.org.