Executive Council Candidates / Write-In Period

The Executive Council (EC) approved the slate presented by the Nominations Committee for next year’s EC members. You may include any additional write-in names that are not included on the slate below, before the final ballot is presented to the membership for a vote.

To be included as a write-in candidate, the individual must be a member in good standing and must meet the conditions of the  Constitution and By-laws. Please include the curriculum vitae of each candidate and determine beforehand that they are willing to have their name included on the ballot. 

Signatures of a minimum of 4 % of the membership in good standing will be required for each write-in. The membership for the 2018 calendar year as of November 5 is 16.391, which means that 656 signatures are required for each candidate. Please assemble all signatures on a PDF file and send them with the information about your write-in candidate to lasa@pitt.edu.

You have six weeks to respond to this request, or until midnight EDT of January 1st, 2019. The final ballot will then be assembled and presented to the membership for a vote. It will also indicate which candidates were on the approved slate and which are write-ins.  

Slate approved by the Executive Council

Vice President / President-Elect:

  • Gioconda Herrera, Sociology; FLACSO (Ecuador)
  • Daniel Mato, Social Sciences; Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), Conicet (Argentina)
  • Kimberly Theidon, Anthropology; Tufts University (United States)


  • Amy C. Lind, Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies; University of Cincinnati (United States)
  • María Josefina Saldaña-Portillo, Social and Cultural Analysis; New York University (United States)

Executive Members:

  • Clara Arenas, Economics (Guatemala)
  • Graciela Di Marco, Sociology; Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina)
  • Lorraine Leu, Cultural Studies/Literature; University of Texas at Austin (United States)
  • Raul Madrid, Political Science; University of Texas at Austin (United States)
  • Claudia Mosquera Rosero-Labbé, Social Work; Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia)
  • Rodrigo Patto Sá Motta, History; Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil)
  • Cristian Opazo, Literature; Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)
  • Suyapa G. Portillo Villeda, Chicano/Latino/Transnational Studies; Pitzer College (United States)