
LASA has created several funds to make it possible for members and friends to support the primary objectives of the Association.

Proceeds from the LASA Endowment Fund* support Congress Travel for residents of Latin America and the Caribbean and provide funding for special programs not covered by ordinary income. Contributions may be directed to the General Endowment Fund or to the Humanities Endowment Fund, the latter providing support specifically for scholars in the humanities.

Unlike the Endowment, the Congress Travel Fund and the Student Travel Fund provide direct travel support for each succeeding Congress, the Travel Fund for participants traveling from Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Student Fund for student participants outside Latin America and the Caribbean.

Similarly, the Indigenous and Afro-Descendant Travel Fund provides travel support for indigenous participants at each succeeding LASA Congress.

In addition, the LGBTQIA+ Travel Fund provides direct travel support to LGBTQIA+ individuals residing anywhere in the world.

Gifts to the Endowment may also be made through Life Memberships and bequests. All gifts are tax-deductible on a U.S. federal income tax form as a contribution to a non-profit organization.

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Thank you for your continuing support.

*All contributions to the Endowment fund are permanently restricted. Interest is used to institutionalize the participation of Latin American and Caribbean residents in LASA International Congresses and to guarantee funding for special projects.