University of North Carolina Press

Although we will not be exhibiting in-person at LASA 2024, you can still visit our virtual booth! There you can find information on our recent publications, connect with editors Andreína Fernández and Debbie Gershenowitz, and learn about our great book series.

Editor Andreína Fernández will be in attending the conference in-person. If you would like to discuss your book project with her, please reach out via email.

Envisioning Cuba Series

Series Editor: Louis A. Pérez Jr., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Envisioning Cuba publishes outstanding, innovative works in Cuban studies, drawn from diverse subjects and disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, from the colonial period through the post-Cold War era. Attention centers on the exploration of historical and cultural circumstances and conditions—for example, colonialism, slavery, racism, imperialism, and revolution—related to the development of Cuban self-definition and national identity. Salient thematic concerns of the series include power and powerlessness, dictatorship and democracy, repression and resistance, populism and mass mobilization, nationalism and competing ideologies, cultural transitions, and social transformations. The series features innovative scholarship engaged with theoretical approaches and interpretive frameworks informed by social, cultural, and intellectual perspectives.

Latin America in Translation Series

The Latin America in Translation/en Traducción/em Tradução series, sponsored by the University of North Carolina-Duke Consortium in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, translates and publishes in English outstanding books in a wide range of fields by important Latin American writers and scholars.

The Call for Proposals will be available in late fall here.

Latinx Histories Series

Series Editors: Lori Flores, Stony Brook University & Michael Innis-Jiménez, University of Alabama

UNC Press’s Latinx Histories book series is premised on the view that understanding Latinx history is essential to a more complete and complex understanding of the history of the United States, the Americas, and the world. The series editors and advisory board welcome book proposals that examine and offer a historical framework for the experiences of Latinx people ranging from earliest indigenous settlement in what is now known as the United States through the present-day transnational U.S. and beyond, resulting in a collection of innovative historical works that push the boundaries of race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, migration, and nationalism within and around Latinx communities.

Interconnections: The Global 20th Century Series (New!)

Series Editors: Julia F. Irwin, Louisiana State University, Renata Keller, University of Nevada, Reno, Christopher McKnight Nichols, The Ohio State University, & Jayita Sarkar, University of Glasgow

InterConnections: The Global 20th Century is home to innovative global, international, and transregional histories of the long twentieth century. We also publish cutting-edge histories of the US and the world, especially scholarship that decenters the United States. Our books emphasize interactions and connections across three principal areas of inquiry: governments, militaries, and non-state actors, including businesses; international organizations, nation-states, and individuals; and foreign and domestic policies. The series showcases work that transcends conventional geographic, temporal, and disciplinary borders, offering fresh and original perspectives on the making of the contemporary world.

Be sure to use promo code 01DAH40 at checkout to receive a 40% discount. And if your order totals over $75, domestic US shipping is free.

Radical Prescription
Citizenship and the Politics of Tuberculosis in Twentieth-Century Cuba
Authors: Kelly Urban
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here

Borders of Violence and Justice
Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and Law Enforcement in the Southwest, 1835-1935
Authors: Brian D. Behnken
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here

The Investigative Brigade
Hunting Human Rights Criminals in Post-Pinochet Chile
Authors: Pascale Bonnefoy Miralles, Translated by Russ Davidson
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here

On Our Own Terms
Development and Indigeneity in Cold War Guatemala
Authors: Sarah Foss
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here

State of Disaster
The Failure of U.S. Migration Policy in an Age of Climate Change
Authors: Maria Cristina Garcia
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here

How Brazil Embraced the World's Most Caffeine-Rich Plant
Authors: Seth Garfield
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here

Culture in the Clinic
Miami and the Making of Modern Medicine
Authors: Catherine Mas
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here

A Compact History of Latin America's Cold War
Authors: Vanni Pettinà, Translated by Quentin Pope
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here

Agriculture's Energy
The Trouble with Ethanol in Brazil's Green Revolution
Authors: Thomas D. Rogers
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here

Detention Empire
Reagan's War on Immigrants and the Seeds of Resistance
Authors: Kristina Shull
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here

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